Author: admin
2025 Driver Registrations Open!
Our brand-new shop has launched today on our website which initially allows drivers to register for the 2025 British Autograss Series! There are two registration options to select from – one driver per car and one driver with two cars. Your order can contain both options and multiple of each if you are ordering for…
Ferry Bookings for Round 1!
FERRY BOOKINGS FOR MALLOW BAS! Ferry deals are now available for round one of the British Autograss series IRISH FERRIES DEALS HOW TO BOOK Contact information Phone: 03717300400 Email: Quote- Autograss Event when making your booking details and give event details- Round one of the British Autograss series at Mallow Autograss PLEASE NOTE- YOU…
2024 Dates & Venues
The News you’ve all been waiting for, we’re pleased to confirm the following dates & venues for the 2024 British Autograss Series. Round 1. May 4th/5th – South Wales League – POSTPONED TO RESERVE DATE Round 1. June 22nd/23rd – Evesham Autograss Club Round 2. July 13th/14th – Stroud & District Round 3. August 17th/18th…
British Champions 2023
The 2023 Berrisford Chassis & Components & Kent Cams British Autograss Series came to a close across the water in Ireland. Thank you to those that went across to the Mallow Club, we’re sure everybody will agree when we say they did absolutely everything in their power to get people racing on Sunday and to…
Registration is now open!
Registration to the 2023 British Autograss Series is now open! Please complete the registration form on our website and pay the £30 registration fee – please note you do not need to have Paypal to pay the fee, there is the option to checkout using card details. The entry fee this year is £30. This…
All Change for 2023
As we all welcome in 2023, British Autograss Series are very pleased to welcome a new joint overall Series sponsor alongside KentCams as Berrisford Chassis & Components replaces our long term headline sponsor Simpson Race Exhausts. BAS would like to extend our very sincere thanks to Simpson Race Exhausts for their support to the Series…
BAS Presentation.
The presentation evening for the 2022 Series will take place on Saturday 25th February at The Coombe Abbey, near Coventry. All tickets and hotel rooms have now been sold. If you have not yet paid for you ticket (£40 per person) you have until Friday 20th January to do so or you will loose your…
We are excited that following the Government roadmap to normality NASA have also released a plan to get racing back up and running and the BAS have a keen desire to run a full Series. The Series will now begin on June 26th/27th at Stroud, of course subject to the latest Government guidelines, followed by the…
….it is now 🙁 With the legislation that’s in place & NASA’s latest advice it is with great regret that we have to officially call time on this years Kent Cams/Simpson Race Exhausts British Autograss Series. BAS made it clear at the start of the COVID-19 Lockdown that, if we were unable to run a…